TABLE: sometimes shrink to fit, sometime extends page

I'm trying to assist solving a problem from a friend:<br />
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The page contains a table, and when then page is loaded, sometimes the table "shrinks" to fit on the page while other times it extends beyond the pages right edge and therefore forms a scrollbar on the bottom of the page (in order to view the 'cut-off' area of the page).<br />
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What's even stranger (IMO) is that even when the table "shrinks to fit", hitting the refesh icon re-loads the page and when it reappears it is once again cut-off (and requires scrolling with a bottom scrollbar)?!?!<br />
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My preference is to have it "shrink to fit" so that the entire table appears on the page.<br />
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If anyone could offer insight it would be appreciated.<br />
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If you need to view the site, it's the Priceline table: HERE (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) <br />
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(if you view the site, please report here if it scrolled or not, and if hitting the refesh a few times changed the tables dimensions)<!--content-->well it looked ok to me. even on a refresh<br />
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IE6, win2k, 800x600<!--content-->It did exactly as you predicted on my XP Pro machine in IE 6 (loaded fine initially, but upon refresh, got the bottom scrollbar). However, in Mozilla 1.3.1, no problems with the bottom scrollbar whatsoever.<br />
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It seems as if there's one <tr> tag that's not closed in the first table at the top of the page. <br />
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That's all I can see so far, I'll let you know if an answer occurs to me!<br />
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-Meve<!--content-->well I just did it on another win2k machine in Mozilla1.3 and 800x600 and it ran just fine. no scrollbar.<br />
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but I have noticed that you do not have a doctype. you need to add one<br />
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><br />
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put that at the very first line of the doc, above the <html> tag. and this between your head tags<br />
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><br />
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also I have found 15 errors. but 5 of them you don't have to worry about, and 5 are <br />
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nosave=""<br />
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as there is no such thing as that. and the big one is your form.<br />
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<form name="QuickPickHotels" action="" method="get"></form><br />
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that is all you have, but you have select and input tags outside of this. they have to be inside that form.<br />
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I suggest you add those lines I told you and see for yourself.<!--content-->Thanks for the replies up to this point.<br />
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I've created a new page HERE (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) so that i can test any changes and not mess up my other page. I will try to get this page "right" and then transfer the code over.<br />
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Although i don't understand the lines you told me to add, i added them to the new page linked above. Also, when you say the form is incorrect, could you explain further? It appears to me that that it begins <form name="QuickPickHotels".....> and then the </form> tag is down below (after all of the "select" info). On the new page, i did move the </form> up somewhat.<br />
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Also, what validator did you put it thru to find the 15 errors? I used the one validator that i know, which i previously couldn't use since the page wasn't defined, and i came up with much more than just 15 errors! I'd like the simplest solution so 15 sounds better than the validator i used :)<br />
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The info in the form (nosave="") wasn't created by me or my friend, but was given to him by the creators of the form, which was given to him simply as "put this code on your webpage to make the text box". Interestingly the page doesn't "scroll" on the bottom if that text box is removed, so my first guess is that the problem lies within that text box (but it could just be that the text box is the only item that needs to be "tweeked to fit").<br />
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Thanks in advance for your continued assistance.<!--content-->well I don't know what you did but now I get 90 errors now. the answers to all these errors are on this forum, just search for them. you did change the form which is better. I still don't get the scrollbar.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... %2Fnew2%2F</a><!-- m --><br />
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it could also be all those nested tables. you really don't need all of them. double check your code and make sure you have all the tags there and in proper order. also take your form code and move it outside the table it is in, it might be erroring out because it is before the <tr> tag. so take your start form tag and put it befroe the <table> tag and your ending form tag rigth after the closing table tag.<!--content-->