Table problem


Hello all,<br />
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I am pretty new to Webdesign and was wondering if anyone could help me with a problem I am having with tables.<br />
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I have created a site based on tables but when a lot of text is entered into the site the layout falls apart. I tried to design it so that the hight of the page could grow if more text was added but I think I have made a mistake somewhere!<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... id=welcome</a><!-- m --><br />
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Can anyone have a look at it for me and see of they can spot the error! <br />
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Thanks, it would be a HUGE help,<!--content-->From the HTML 4.01 Specification:<br />
Tables should not be used purely as a means to layout document content as this may present problems when rendering to non-visual media. Additionally, when used with graphics, these tables may force users to scroll horizontally to view a table designed on a system with a larger display. To minimize these problems, authors should use style sheets to control layout rather than tables.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Thanks for the quote, I don't know any other way of doing the site design than using tables. I am open to suggestions though<!--content-->[A]uthors should use style sheets to control layout rather than tables.See <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. for the link I will look into that.<br />
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But does anyone know the answer to the problem with the table I have. I think it might be just a few values I need to change but some advice would be appreciated. I am a student and this is for my advisor so need to at least get it displaying correctly so when I go see him later today I have something to show. Then I can go back and look at Styles.<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->What exactly is the problem? What do you mean by "page falls apart"?<br />
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You are using tables for creating the page layout. CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is a more powerful, flexible and accessible way of styling your html pages. It creates less messy HTML markup.<br />
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If you are doing HTML for this single project, just ignore these comments for the time being. But if you intend to delve more into web designing, I'd strongly suggest reading about CSS. You can find handy tutorials at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> on both HTML and CSS.<!--content-->That page is strange...<br />
You close two table tags before opening the body? :confused:<br />
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In IE it is a mess. I've got no idea exactly what's wrong, (haven't got time to sift through the code,) but try nesting a table in the right column with your right column contents, just to fix it while you show it to your chief. Just don't leave it in there after you've shown it to your chief and don't tell anyone I told you to do it OK? (that means move to css)<br />
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I did notice an image height of 100%, but I don't think that's your problem. I think the problem is that you've got the height of the right column as as the same as the left, and it just spreads out to fill the gap. I don't know any quick fixes to that without nesting a table.<br />
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Hope this helps<br />
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Dave<!--content-->i was gonna help too Dave (in spite of the grief that i would get for doing so :rolleyes: )...<br />
but it really is a mess.<br />
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it's one big table...<br />
the columns don't add-up...<br />
and it's a spacer.gif nightmare.<br />
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i'd just scrap it and start fresh.<br />
it's harder to fix than to re-create.<br />
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in my opinion...<br />
;) k<!--content-->