Table problem in NS..


Hi. Can anyone see why the table does not seem to appear at all at in Netscape 4.75 at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> (the site sponser bit).<br />
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Thanks for any help you can give :p<br />
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Andyu<!--content-->I just looked in NN4.7 (not 4.75) under WinNT and it all looks okay to me (with the obvious allowances for some CSS style differences).<br />
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Nice site btw. :)<!--content-->Thank you! I dunno why it did that to me :( Oh, and glad you like the site. Hopefully some time soon i will be opening it to the public. I've got quite a few engine and design bugsto fix first though :p<br />
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Thanks<br />
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Andy<!--content-->NS4.79 on windows98 looks ok to me too.<!--content-->i ran your code through a validator, and found a bunch of errors saying that <center> or <td> was closed too many times, etc. you might want to check on that.<!--content-->