table prbs

What I am trying to accomplish is a simple table setup. a nav bar on the left (set width with a background img) while the rest of the page is set at a percentage. I design at 1024x768, and would like my pages to look good at lower res as well. It worked fine until I applied the background img. Now, when I resize the window it cuts off some of my img. Here's the code:<br />
<br />
<table width="95%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"><br />
<tr> <br />
<td width="73px" height="450" valign="top" background="images/nav.gif" STYLE="background-repeat: no-repeat;" ><div align="center"><br />
<br><br />
<br />
<p class="nav"><a href="index.html">Home</a></p><br />
<p class="nav"><a href="visual.html">Tone Down Visual Effects</a></p><br />
<p class="nav"><a href="msconfig.html">MSCONFIG</a></p><br />
<p class="nav"><a href="vpf.html">Virtual Paging File</a></p><br />
<p class="nav"><a href="drive_space.html">Free Up Drive Space</a></p><br />
<p class="nav"><a href="services.html">Disable Unneeded Services</a></p><br />
<p class="nav"><a href="regedit.html">Registry Tweaks</a></p><br />
<p class="nav"><a href="messenger.html">Remove Microsoft Messenger</a></p><br />
<p class="nav"><a href="software.html">Useful Software</a></p><br />
<p class="nav"><a href="links.html">Links</a></p><br />
</div></td><br />
<td width="25">&nbsp;</td><br />
<br />
<td width="90%" valign="top"> <div align="left"><br />
<br />
<br />
The site addy <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) <br />
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Only the index page has the img applied so far, as I can't get it perfect.<br />
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Can someone give me a hand?<!--content-->There is a missing close tag in the table above this content---><br />
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<h1>Welcome to Windows XP Tweaks etc!</h1><!--content-->The missing </td> tag? I didn't even notice that, but when I added it, it placed my nav bar below the rest of the page. I know this is probably a simple problem. I just started learning to write HTML a week ago. I also used CSS for most of the text formatting and some gif format too (CSS rules).<br />
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Seems to actually be easier than learning to effectively use Dreamweaver, etc. and the code isn't near as bloated. <br />
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I just can't figure out why the nav cell wouldn't stay stationary when set at 73px. I wanted to leave the other cell at a % so it would compensate for different resolutions.<!--content--><<--Here-->> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) <br />
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If that close tag dropped your table then you have a nesting problem it sounds like.<!--content-->Thanks for the link! I am about to go blind tonight, so I'll give it more thought tomorrow.<br />
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I guess I didn't spend enough time learning tables. I was lured into CSS early with promises of much more control over design, layout, etc. and after hearing so much there about how bulky and aggravating tables can be I was hoping I could get by without getting to deep into it.<br />
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Intense table study is on my list for tomorrow. I am glad I came across this forum, though I think web design must be a contributing factor to the rising divorce rates :-)<br />
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...I'LL BE RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!<br />
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Jeez...<!--content-->create the code for a page, run it through a code validator to find all the little nit-picking problems. :D<!--content-->Thanks for the tip! I gave it a try at the Wc3 site. Not bad (the validator, not my code:P )<!--content-->If there is anything that you don't understand about the (sometimes cryptic) error messages, then post a link to the validator results of your site in this thread, and I'll try to help you fix them.<!--content-->Hey, I really apreciate that. You're not kidding about "cryptic!" I managed to repair almost every error on the list, but there are a few I don't understand.<br />
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Wc3 report (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ...</a><!-- m -->) Errors 2,3,& 4 I don't understand. This is the way I have been learning to write it. Webmonkey (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) is where I got the majority of my start, and now I just Google my way to answers. I noticed that most of the tutorials are written back in like '98 or so talkin' bout "this is not supported in I.E. 3"... Who the hell still uses I.E. 3?! Lol. If you know of a more up to date site for me to find tutorials, hook me up.<br />
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Oh. I did finally solve my original table problem. I increased the nav cell width, and played with cellpadding and cellspacing until it worked. Now, I need to get a browser sniffer to solve the spacing problem in Netscape for the actual nav links...<br />
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Thanks again!<!--content-->First off, I noticed you don't have an opening <body> tag. You need one just after the head. I'm not sure how the validator didn't pick that up.<br />
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Error 1: Just put the "alt" attribute in the <img> tag with an explantion of what the picture is.<br />
<br />
<img src="images/logo.gif" width="725" height="52" alt="Windows XP Tweaks Logo"><br />
<br />
Error 2: The "color" attribute in the <hr> tag is browser specific. I'm not which browser it is specific to, but it is not part of the HTML 4.01 specification.<br />
<br />
Error 3: The "background" attribute in the <td> tag is browser specific. Netscape 7.x does not recognize it because it is not a part of the HTML 4.01 specification.<br />
<br />
Error 4: Literals must be enclosed in quotes.<br />
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<a href="[email protected]"><!--content-->Alright, I'm confused. Error 1 I understood, just haven't got around to fixing it.<br />
<br />
Error 2: What is the proper way to specify HR color to 4.01 specs?<br />
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Error 3: Netscape 7x is what I am testing the site with (and I.E. 6) and the background img is doing well. Is there another way?<br />
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Error 4: The link worked great w/out quotes. I tried including the quote marks (double and single) and I get an Outlook error message: "The command line argument is invalid."<!--content-->Error 2: There is no way to specify the color of a horizontal rule. It is up to you whether or not to keep the code in there. It won't break the page, the only thing it will do is keep you from being 100% compliant, which isn't as important as using well-formed code which you have.<br />
<br />
Error 3: Use CSS.<br />
<br />
td { background: url(nav.gif); }<br />
<br />
Error 4: That's my fault. It should be<br />
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<a href="mailto:[email protected]"><!--content-->Alright, it's all clear now. Thanks doogxela for taking the time to clear that up. I learned a few things from this thread :)<!--content-->nice site man just one thing is make the navigation table wider <td width="80px" just change the 80 to probably around 110-120 to get the links centered right ow sure tho just try it first then adjust from there and yes this board is great i was a n00b when it came to html and i have learned alot ( <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> ) slow speed i know but if u look at it late at ight when no bandwith is being used it loads really fast lol bt nice site man simple yet elegant lol<!--content-->Thanks for the compliment Globe_shoes:D That clean simple look was exactly what I was going for. After I fixed the problem with the nav bar resizing the links did get a bit off center like that. I will fix it tomorrow when I use CSS to set up the image. <br />
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Very cool graphics on your site by the way!<!--content-->Thanks to the other guys for pitching in with fixes for the code while I was away.<br />
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Nice one on the CSS. There is even an online checker for that, to help you squish any erorrs. You can find it at:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->thanx scruff just used fireworks 4 and eyecandy, not hard at all<!--content-->Eye Candy rules!<!--content-->