Table Postion


When I make a table like -> <table width=100% height=100% bgcolor="blue>, I can still see a bunch of white space all around it. How do I position the table at 0,0 and also make it exand the whole page?<!--content-->If it's inside another table it will do this<!--content-->all i have is one table<!--content-->in your body tag add these<br />
<br />
<body topMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" leftMargin="0"><!--content-->Eeeeeeeeexelent! :D<!--content-->You might want to add this between the <head></head> tags, too:<br />
<br />
<br />
<style type="text/css"><br />
<!-- <br />
body { padding: 0px; }<br />
// --><br />
</style><br />
<br />
<br />
Opera 6 and 7 (not sure about previous versions) adds a bit of white space around your page. Most browsers has a default padding value of Zero, but not Opera, which can mess up your layout.<!--content-->Originally posted by scoutt <br />
in your body tag add these<br />
<br />
<body topMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" leftMargin="0"> <br />
<br />
When I tried to convert this into CSS, it didn't work. <br />
<br />
body {topMargin: 0; marginheight: 0; marginwidth: 0; leftMargin: 0}<!--content-->in css it is <br />
<br />
body {margin: 0;}<br />
<br />
or I have seen this work<br />
<br />
body {margin: 0,0,0,0}<br />
<br />
agian NS and other browsers won't read this<!--content-->