Table Posisiton


How do I align a table to the bottom of the screen?<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->You mean like<br />
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<table style="position:absolute; bottom:0px;"><br />
<br />
</table><br />
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or something else?<br />
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Dave<!--content--><table style="position:absolute; bottom:0px;"> <br />
If I am not mistaken, there are two interpretations of this:<br />
1. the table will be positioned relative to the viewport<br />
2. the table will be positioned relative to </html> (since its bottom: 0).<br />
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The question is: why do you want the table to be aligned at the bottom of the screen? Using position:absolute will take the table out of the normal flow of the document. Hence there is a possibility that other content on the page will flow over the table.<br />
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Next question: what if the table spans more than the height of the viewport?<!--content-->Is there any other way? (one which really positions it at the bottom of the page?)<!--content-->Originally posted by DaveSW <br />
Is there any other way? (one which really positions it at the bottom of the page?) <br />
No, I dont know. I remember having a similar problem sometime back... I was just thinking aloud.<!--content-->I've had that trouble trying to make something appear at the bottom of a page too - all the objects were absolutely poistioned and if I didn't use positioning it went underneath, otherwise it sat on top of something else. Well, he did say the screen anyway!!<!--content-->I would suggest putting the table in a frame if you want in the view of the page.<!--content-->I would suggest putting the table in a frame<br />
And I would suggest against doing that. What the heck matters if the page isn't exactly displayed at the bottom. It DOES matter if search engines aren't able to spider the pages very well due to frames.<br />
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Probably, you may want to look at the following site:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... eight.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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This gives an example how to make the <body> 100% of viewport. Once you get that, position: absolute; bottom: 0 will put the table at the bottom.<br />
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I have a feeling that Grunty was not asking for something so "complicated".<!--content-->Phew, I only asked a little question, but thanks for your replies anyway. Perhaps I should explain what it is I need. <br />
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I want an html page to be the desktop of a machine located in our company library. I have already worked out how to fix it as the default using IEAK, and the page will always be full screen.<br />
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Presently, I have a dynamic menu at the top of the page which lists alot of useful links, so I would like a second table at the bottom of the screen which doesnt get in the way of the drop down menus and will hold icons for locally installed applications such as Word, Excel and library sofware etc.<br />
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I have just tried the "style="position:absolute; bottom:0px;" command and it works a bit. he table is now at the bottom, but positioned on the left hand side, even though I also added "align=center"<br />
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I hope that makes sense<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->If it's for one computer, you can add a left value like this:<br />
<br />
style="position:absolute; left:200px; bottom:0px;"<br />
<br />
This will position it from the left and bottom. The only problem is if it is for more than one computer with different screen sizes, where you'd have to modify the left value to suit the screen size.<br />
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You'll need to experiment with the left number depending on the table size.<br />
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Have fun<br />
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Dave<!--content-->Thanks, worked a treat<!--content-->No probs!! :D <br />
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