Table Margins Help


Take a look at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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I have a top menu bar I want to set up, and need a long gray divider bar. I put a border around the whole thing so it is easier to see.<br />
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If you'll look at the quote box on the right, it has this automatic margin on the bottom that is throwing off the alignment of my horizontal bar. I had this same problem before. Reducing the table height made no difference. The margin is not part of the image, becuase I made it myself and I know I did not put it there.<br />
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Please help, thanks.<!--content-->The right part was not in the table.<br />
I have set all the borders on 10.<br />
This is a way to check.<br />
Now there is a gray line on the same height as in the right part.<br />
I have colored it: yellow has to become black and orange gray.<br />
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days = new Array(7)<br />
days[1] = "Sunday";<br />
days[2] = "Monday";<br />
days[3] = "Tuesday";<br />
days[4] = "Wednesday";<br />
days[5] = "Thursday";<br />
days[6] = "Friday";<br />
days[7] = "Saturday";<br />
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months[1] = "January";<br />
months[2] = "February";<br />
months[3] = "March";<br />
months[4] = "April";<br />
months[5] = "May";<br />
months[6] = "June";<br />
months[7] = "July";<br />
months[8] = "August";<br />
months[9] = "September";<br />
months[10] = "October";<br />
months[11] = "November";<br />
months[12] = "December";<br />
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<option value="hw-oli.html"><br />
The "Heroic" War<br />
<option value="flander-ed.html"><br />
Fallout of Flander's Field<br />
<option value="lm-airmoran.html "><br />
Lifemarks<br />
<option value="regrets-jerome.html "><br />
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<table><tr><td width="120" height="72" bgcolor="black" align="left" valign="top"><br />
<script language="JavaScript"><br />
var a = Math.random() + ""<br />
var rand1 = a.charAt(5)<br />
quotes = new Array<br />
quotes[1] = "Ken says: Religion is the science of the heart, science is the religion of the mind."<br />
quotes[2] = "I'll push you off the cliff and watch you die -J.C."<br />
quotes[3] = "Ken's shirt: 90% attitude 10% ability (BS!)"<br />
quotes[4] = "There ought to be limits to freedom - GW Bush"<br />
quotes[5] = "For truth, justice, and the American way! -Capt. America"<br />
quotes[6] = "Lousy demons-- you ain't takin' me! - Wolverine"<br />
quotes[7] = "Heavy Laming EQ- Lmg, PC, GC, PF Gen., Combat Armor, 50 MG ammo, 400 rifle Ammo"<br />
quotes[8] = "If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."<br />
quotes[9] = "AYBABTU was funny the first time, not the 500,000th time."<br />
quotes[0] = "The great leaders are like the best conductors-they reach beyond the notes to reach the magic in the players. -Blaine Lee"<br />
var quote = quotes[rand1]<br />
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document.write("<font face=arial color=white size=1>" + quote + "</font>")<br />
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======= and the style has to be in the head.<!--content-->