I'm working on a web based quiz system.I have code that generates an ASP.NET table with a list of questions and radiobutton lists that indicate the answers for the quiz questions.\[code\]//Retrieve questions and answers - build the actual quiz DataTable dtQuiz = qr.GetQuizQuestions(QuizID); if (dtQuiz != null && dtQuiz.Rows.Count >= 1) { foreach (DataRow row in dtQuiz.Rows) { TableRow tr = new TableRow(); TableCell tcQuestionNum = new TableCell(); TableCell tcQuestion = new TableCell(); tcQuestionNum.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top; tcQuestionNum.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(row["QuestionNum"].ToString())); tcQuestion.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(row["Question"].ToString())); RadioButtonList rblAnswers = qr.GetAnswers(QuizID, Int32.Parse(row["QuestionNum"].ToString())); tcQuestion.Controls.Add(rblAnswers); tr.Cells.Add(tcQuestionNum); tr.Cells.Add(tcQuestion); tblQuiz.Rows.Add(tr); tblQuiz.DataBind(); } }\[/code\]This code generates the content just fine - the quiz questions appear, and the radiobutton lists render as expected.There's something weird when I have a separate button click event. After the user selects their answers, I want to do a postback and loop through the rows in the table, pulling the answers from the radiobutton list in the second cell of each row. I started down this path:\[code\] foreach (TableRow tr in tblQuiz.Rows) { TableCell tc = tr.Cells[1]; RadioButtonList rbl = (RadioButtonList) tc.Controls[1]; }\[/code\]The problem is when the second button is clicked (to post the answers), the table has no rows. Why is this, and how can I correct this?