table layout problem


Dear all,<br />
I use table to do the layout in my homepage, all the thing is correct in IE, but when i go to netscape, the width of the table is change. I specify the width but netscape don't follow the instruction.<br />
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here is the link.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
If you use IE and netscape to view that page, you will find that the vertical space between the gif menu text and the CSS text is much wider in netscape.<br />
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How can i solve this<br />
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alex (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->)<!--content-->i have ie5 and netscape 4.7 <br />
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on 800X600 monitor resolution they both look about the same to me...<br />
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anyways maybe converting pixels to percent might help some. <br />
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good luck<!--content-->Hi, a few things....<br />
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As your left table cell is fixed and your right cell is forcing 100% (which is fine), you should insert a blank (transparent) image of the correct cell width (249) in that cell so stop it being forced smaller (209 - the same size as your images).<br />
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Also, there is a table error near the bottom of your page which needs correcting, you have many opening TD tags (which arent required), but nothing is closed either.??<br />
<br />
<td valign="top"><br />
~inserted table~<br />
<TR colspan=2><td><td><td align=center><br />
~bottom menu - last modified script~<br />
???? (nothing)<br />
</table><br />
<br />
I hope this helps a little.<!--content-->I believe the question asked was on how to force the same vertical space between the text lines, not preventing the table to resize. A transparent gif won't solve this problem.<br />
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Experimenting has got to be the best advice. CSS has a tendency to appear differently in NS and IE.<br />
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Of course, you could make an image of the text, but then you won't be showing off your CSS skills :)<br />
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-aslefo<!--content-->And the DIV tag?<br />
<br />
<div id=OObj1 STYLE="position:absolute;left:130px;top:10px;width:457px;height:77px;z-index:1;visibility:visible;"><br />
<span id=GObj1><br />
<div align="center"><font face="Comic Sans MS" size="30" color="#6699ff">ZeeWeb &nbsp; & &nbsp; Design<br><br />
</font></div></span><br />
</div><br />
Used on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
Only this way it was working in NN.<!--content-->