Table Layout Help Needed

My page has just been put online on my u69 account, i need help, the layout has messed up. <br />
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all you html wizards out there, could you help, urgently, it is supposed to be three column and uses tables and php includes. <br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
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any ideas why nit is like this?:confused:<!--content-->This needs a lot of work to fix up. You have used some tags that are in XHTML 1.0 style with a closing / within the tag, but have used a lot of tags that are not allowed in the XHTML 1.0 specification, but which are allowed in HTML 4.01.<br />
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You now have to decide whether to convert the whole document to XHTML 1.0, use CSS and follow the rules for that spec, or whether to convert it all back to HTML 4.01. Conversion to HTML 4.01 is done simply by removing any ending / markers inside tags, and this would be the easier of the two jobs. That is, convert each tag like <blah /> to be <blah> instead.<br />
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Checking the document as XHTML 1.0 shows 261 [errors (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ine=1&sp=1</a><!-- m -->)].<br />
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Checking the document as HTML 4.01 shows only 186 [errors (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ine=1&sp=1</a><!-- m -->)].<br />
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Start by fixing the easy errors first, simply to reduce the length of the list so that it will be easier to spot the more difficult errors later on.<br />
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Comment tags must be exactly <!-- and --> and must have at least one space between the tag and the word. You need to change yours to this style. A simple search and replace operation, using a text editor on the source code, will do this in only a few minutes.<br />
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Remember to "Quote" all attributes, especially all "#FFFFFF" colors, all URLs, all "50%" sizes, and any other attribute value that contains anything other than a simple "A" to "Z" or "0" to "9" value. In HTML 4.01 it is recommended to quote all attribute values.<br />
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The overall document structure should be:<br />
<br />
<html><br />
<br />
<head><br />
title, meta tags, scripts, styles, etc<br />
</head><br />
<br />
<body><br />
body content<br />
</body><br />
<br />
</html><br />
<br />
You have multiple copies of all of these tags. Lose all of the duplicate tags. Move the contents of the multiple <head> sections into the one <head> section at the beginning of the page.<br />
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You need to either escape or break open every ending tag within the javascript written code, so code like:<br />
<br />
Forums</a>"]); should be:<br />
<br />
Forums<\/a>"]); with the tag escaped,<br />
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or maybe Forums</" + "a>"]); instead.<br />
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I would use the first of those two options.<br />
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You have to break the tag, or escape it in dozens of links in the javascript code. Fix all of them to be the new format. A simple search for "</a>"]);" and replace with "<\/a>"]);" will take only a few minutes with a text editor.<br />
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Fix all of those errors, then upload the document again. Use the validator link above to verify that the number of errors has then been reduced, and then proceed to fix the rest of the problems.<br />
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Inside a <table> ... </table> tag pair, you must have one or more <tr> ... </tr> pairs. Inside each table row pair, you must have one or more <td> ... </td> tag pair for each piece of table data.<br />
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You have missed out the <td> ... </td> tags in nearly every table row in the table. These must be fixed before you can proceed any further.<br />
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Once you have done all of the above, post again in this thread, and I will run through any remaining errors.<!--content-->