Table help!! -Wrapping question-


I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a table problem. I have 2 cells side by side and i want them to stay a fixed width so my text will wrap. Currently, when i type in the first cell, it keeps going and going and eventually makes my other cell dissapear. The url I'm working with is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
Thanks for the help!<!--content-->I used Ace4Free to validate:<br />
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feel free to give us a call or drop a line!</font></p><br />
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has not to be here.<br />
But if this is the problem?<!--content-->Maybe I'm dumb, but I took the extra tags out amd still no luck. Anyone have any other suggestions?<br />
Thanks in advance!<!--content-->It looks like you already have them set (width=574 and width=157), as long as you don't put anything in either cell that is wider than those dimension they should stay the same width.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Kevin,<br />
Thats where my problem is. I have the size how I want it, but the text just will not wrap! Is there a way to keep them the same size while having the text wrap to the next line?<br />
Thanks,<br />
Jim<!--content-->I don't see any problems. It views fine in IE5.0. If you still can't solve the problem, you could use a transparent gif in each cell to lock them to a minimum width.<!--content-->You could also try using a percentage width on the cells. Since you have the table locked down to 750, the cells shouldn't expand past that number.<!--content-->also, make sure your test has spaces in it. "this sentance will wrap."<br />
"Thissentancewillnotwrap.Whentherearenospacectextwillnotwrap."<!--content-->Originally posted by jimday82 <br />
Kevin,<br />
Thats where my problem is. I have the size how I want it, but the text just will not wrap! Is there a way to keep them the same size while having the text wrap to the next line?<br />
Thanks,<br />
Jim <br />
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Maybe you can take a screen shot so we can see what is happening. As long as the content of the table cell is not wider than 547 pixels it should wrap. Like Doc Web pointed out, unbroken strings of text will not break (they will break at certain punctuation marks however).<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Thank you guys so was a space thing. When I was testing the cells, i wasnt putting in spaces in the text, thus the no-wrap. Thank you everyone!!<!--content-->and the Doc wins,<br />
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a brand new CAR!!!!<!--content-->