Table formatting Question


I am having a problem with a layout. Hopefully someone here can help. I have a page which I'm trying to make it so that it will stretch vertically depending on how much text is in the page. But for some reason there is one table cell which will not change it's size, allowing me to vertically align the cell underneath it. To better understand what I'm talking about, you can take a look at the page at:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
You'll see the Red space which shouldn't be there. And the cell underneath the redspace should be valign=top, yet it's not aligning to the top like it should. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!<!--content-->Fix up all these errors in the [HTML (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... &verbose=1</a><!-- m -->)] and the [CSS (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ofile=css2</a><!-- m -->)] and see if that helps at all.<br />
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Add type="text/javascript" to every <script> tag.<br />
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The nesting in your list is not correct.<br />
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The nesting in your table is not correct.<br />
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You should export the CSS to an external file and call it with a one line instruction in the <head>:<br />
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<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" src="/path/file.css"><!--content-->Hmm.. The validator said there were a lot of problems in my code, but I really don't know about some of those. It said like #000000 is an invalid color for example. Since when is it invalid? Can you tell me more specifically what is wrong with the table nesting? Thanks<!--content-->it said that black was an invalid color??? huh?<br />
thats... wierd. u really dont need that # before the numbers, though.<!--content-->In your [CSS (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ofile=css2</a><!-- m -->)], stuff like: Property scrollbar-highlight-color doesn't exist : #ffffff<br />
is simply warning you that scrollbar-highlight-color is non-standard browser specific proprietory code.<br />
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The error: Invalid number : color"#000000" is not a color value : "#000000"<br />
is telling you that you should not have quotes on the numbers.<br />
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In CSS you must have units with all of your numbers, so one of either px, pt, em, %, or # is always required; which is what the last two errors tell you in plain English:<br />
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Invalid number : width only 0 can be a length. You must put an unit after your number : 140.<!--content-->The problems with your [HTML (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... &verbose=1</a><!-- m -->)] :<br />
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Specifically, with the table, you have:<br />
<br />
<table><br />
<form><br />
...<br />
</form><br />
</table><br />
<br />
This is incorrect. You have to change it to:<br />
<br />
<form><br />
<table><br />
...<br />
</table><br />
</form><br />
<br />
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Your list is also nested wrongly. The <br> tags must go before the </li> not after it.<br />
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There was already a thread about ordering of tags inside lists, less than 24 hours ago at [link (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=22120</a><!-- m -->)].<!--content-->Okay, I made those changes, and I'm still having the problem. Any other ideas?<!--content-->The CSS examples I gave, were just that: examples. There was, and still is, more than one of each type of error to fix up. Check the link again. Maybe you changed the file but didn't upload it?<br />
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I can see some changes have been made to the HTML file. There is still a lot of work to do. The <b> and </b> tags within the list are still causing errors, like the <br> tags were. Each list item should have its own bolding tags; but you would be better off doing this style change by using CSS instead.<br />
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Sort out the type and alt errors (fixes are detailed above), and then check out all those errors inside the table. See the links above, again. You moved the <form> tag to the correct place, but you should have also moved the <input > tag as well. Uh? Is that a valid tag? or should it be part of the <form> tag?<!--content-->Okay, I'll try changing those other things as well and see if that works. But as far as the <INPUT> tag, yes that is a valid tag. It's for a textbox. And it needs to be inside of the table. Thanks again. I'll let you know when I upload the new page with all those errors fixed.<!--content-->The only valid place to put other tags (other than those that make the table, like <tr> and <td>) inside a table is inside the <td> ... </td> pair.<br />
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Nothing else is allowed between <table> and <tr>, nor between <tr> and <td>, nor between </td> and <td>, nor between </tr> and <tr>, likewise for those closing tag pairs </td> and </tr> nor between the final </tr> and </table>.<!--content-->Oh I see. I thought it was alright since it was a hidden field. Okay I'll try moving that as well. Thanks.<!--content-->Well I fixed just about all of those problems. Except for a few. It says that "TOPMARGIN" and "LEFTMARGIN" are invalid tags in the <BODY>, but I don't know how that is, since it does what it's supposed to do, and I have always used those. I didn't change the CSS errors, since they were minor things which I don't think would have an effect on the layout of the page. Anyhow, I'm still having the problem. And now, the spacer images which I had before on the left and right side are gone. Please help!! <br />
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-Thanks, <br />
- Ted<!--content-->Off the top of my head... topmargin and leftmargin are not html 4.01 spec... these are tags invented by our friends at microsoft for their Explorer browsers... thus it won't come up as legal code but is perfectley valid all the same. MS and Netscape have been playing silly games inventing their own markup for a good few years, a few of these tags have stood the test of time. Just glad the blink one didn't.<!--content-->Originally posted by dyms <br />
Well I fixed just about all of those problems. Except for a few. It says that "TOPMARGIN" and "LEFTMARGIN" are invalid tags in the <BODY>,<br />
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You can use CSS for that.<br />
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For example, margin: 20px 5px 10px 50px;<br />
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If I'm not mistaken, the order is top, right, bottom, left.<!--content-->Okay, I set those with CSS now. Still having the same problem though....<!--content-->I think I've got the solution.<br />
You were using own <tr>:s for Navigation and Client Login. I moved Client Login to inside the same <td> where Navigation is. I also had to make some other small adjustments to make it look right.<br />
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I hope this is what you looked for. My modified source code is attached to this post.<!--content-->great! It finally works. But now there is another problem. The spacer cell doesn't seem to want to work. Underneath that cell, where the red is, the spacer cell should be extended to cover up that RED space. And same thing on the right side of the page. I have tried setting the HEIGHT="100%", but that still doesn't work. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you all for your help!<!--content-->Take a look at the <td> tag just before the <!-- nav --> incomment. There is specified bgcolor="#CC0000", which gives the red background color for the column. Replace that with background="spacer_image_or_whatever.gif" and it should look fine. And do the same with the right column too.<!--content-->Oops. Sorry I never posted the results. I did exactly what you said Agent002 and it works fine. Thanks everyone for your help.<!--content-->In the CSS, the quotes should be removed from the three colour numbers.<!--content-->