table fomat.....


Hi,<br />
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I want to use table fomat to do my wedsite, so can table make it to transparent so that can see the backgound img???<br />
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Appreciate if you could help... Thx...<!--content-->I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to ask. I'm guessing you mean that you have set a background image using <body background="image.gif"> and you want to use tables to lay out your page but you want to be able see the background through your table.<br />
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If so, the answer is simple. As long as you don't specify a background color for the table itself then it will be transparent anyway. If you set border=0 then the table will be completely invisible and you can just use it to control the layout of your page.<br />
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If this isn't what you meant, maybe you can explain in a little more detail or post a URL and I'll try to help you further.<!--content-->Hi Goldilocks,<br />
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Thx for telling me the method... What you are saying is what i mean.... Thank in advanded<!--content-->