table css tag

Wanted to have a left column with links, and the center having pictures and other text that will vary in size on a daily basis(daily pic, daily quote) so I think I have to use a table so the image and unpredicated txt length will stay in the center and not cut into the left column of links

So using a table as below, how can I use css for different resolutions on column 1's width and column 2's width?
I guess what im asking is can I send variables from css for the table, like width: spacing...???

<table style="width: 100%; text-align: left;" border="1" cellpadding="0"
<td style="width: 27px; vertical-align: top;"><br>
<td style="width: 100px; vertical-align: top;"><br>
</table>I think I have to use a tableNo you don't. Never use tables for laying out images or pages in general.
So using a table as below, how can I use cssYou don't need tables. Just use CSS.<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> guess what im asking is can I send variables from css for the table, like width: spacing...???You just repeated the last question in the first post of this thread.

CSS doesn't really have variables. It has selectors, rules, and properties/value pairs.

You're using inline CSS in your example. You could easily use classes and an external stylesheet instead. Not all browsers allow CSS to control the spacing between cells in a this..


<td class="colstyle1">Yes and no.

A) Numerical values other than 0 require units.
B) There is no align property in CSS. You mean text-align.

.colstyle1 {
}I see, this helps me, I will work with that,
thank you!