Table-controlled layout


I'm using tables to control the layout of my page (sorry haven't gotten to CSS very much yet! :( ) and am running into a problem with IE 6.0. <br />
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I have 2 columns. <br />
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The column on the right is dynamic in its height, and the left needs to be also. <br />
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The column on the left has some swapimaging nav images. The final cell in this column hosts a spacer pixel and no defined height. <br />
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Mozilla looks great :D IE stinks. :( IE tends to stretch out the left column and restricts the spacer.gif cell to that one pixel. I have hard restrictions on the other cells in width and height.<br />
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Why is this crappy browser doing this?<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) to see what it is doing. (view in IE please)<br />
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Thanks if you can solve this dilemma!<br />
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Brandon<!--content-->i viewed you site in msie5.5 and 6.0 couldnt see anything wrong, its look fine<!--content-->I looked at it with IE6, and Moz 1.4, and I saw nothing wrong.<!--content-->I'm using IE v.6.0.2800.1106 and I have attached a file that shows exactly what I see.<br />
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I turned the borders on to help demonstrate this. I painted red arrows to point towards the cells that were stretching but aren't, and a green arrow towards the cell that *should* be stretching but isn't.<br />
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My personal thanks to those who viewed the site, though you probably saw the site normally! <br />
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Brandon<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->try this in ur img tags<br />
<img src="url" alt="alttext" style="margin:0px;"><br />
I have seen this happen before in table based layouts. It happened to me once I had to basically make the whole area that this happened in one iamge and it was a pain, this was before I used css. But maybe that lil bit of css can straigten this problem out, try it and see.<!--content-->No go with that little bit of CSS-code. :(<br />
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Brandon<!--content-->removed all spaces between table tags, that should do it<!--content-->between the <table> and </table> you have all you <td> and <tr> remove all white spaces i he an example<br />
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<table><br />
<tr><br />
<td>One</td><br />
<td>Two</td><br />
</tr><br />
<tr><br />
<td>Three</td><br />
<td>Four</td><br />
</tr><br />
</table><br />
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make it<br />
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<table><tr><td>One</td><td>Two</td></tr><tr><td>Three</td><td>Four</td></tr></table><!--content-->This is one of the sadder days in HTML.. it still isn't working. I've simplified the code by taking out the news posting and added some line breaks. <br />
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how crazy is this???!? Darn IE!<br />
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Brandon<!--content-->You don't need to put the images in seperate cells.<br />
Put all the left-hand images in 1 cell of fixed width a they will slot together.<br />
A 2x2 table should be ok.<!--content-->Excellent suggestion! That cleaned it up considerably although now there is still a slight spacing between the images in IE. arrrgghh.. but it is much better than what it was !<br />
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Brandon<br />
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Update!!! With each previous suggestion I was able to do it. Now all the images in that single cell are on one line and the IE is displaying them properly! What the heck is with this browser!?!?!?<br />
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THANKS SO MUCH THOSE WHO HELPED ME OUT! Especially 96turnerri for sticking through it the whole time!<!--content-->I could see no gap (ie5 a.d ie6)<!--content-->the gaps have gone for me too, using ie v6.0.2800.1106 and ie 5.5<!--content-->ditto.<!--content-->