table cells


:D Just a beginners question here: is there any way to update a cell in a table dynamically? - - okham<!--content-->This is more of a JavaScript questions and should be asked there. You could use innerHTML to do it for IE5+ and NS6+ browsers. If you assigned an id of "ID1" to a table cell then you could update it this way:<br />
document.getElementById("ID1").innerHTML="some text"<!--content-->Or you could use pretty much any server side language(ASP/PHP/etc.) to do it and not worry about the users who have JS disabled. :)<!--content-->See if this thread (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=18511</a><!-- m -->) can help you out.<!--content-->- - you're right, it more of a java-side problem. I was just wondering if there was any basic html that would do the trick. Welp, thanks for the replies!<!--content-->