table cell height


I use an image as heading in a header cell.<br />
This image is quite small in height, so when a browser uses large fonts, the alt-text makes the cell larger than supposed. I have tried setting the cell-height both in html and in the css-style, but this is ignored. I have to include alt-text because of blind users of the page.<br />
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Would appreciate any help<br />
-asle<!--content-->can we see the url?<!--content-->The url is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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As you can see, I have manipulated the header cells so that this won't be a problem on most browsers. However, if you choose larger text in netscape, or switch off images, it doesn't look nice. In Opera5, I can't get rid of the frame under the images, no matter what.<!--content-->