Table Borders


Hello everybody,<br />
I created a table on my site, and I want to give it a border color. I know that I can do this with the bordercolor attribute. However, I only want the right side to show the border. I read somewhere how to do this anc I can't remember. Does anybody know how to do this? Also, is there another way to do the bordercolor attribute? I don't think that Netscape supports it.<br />
Kind Regards,<br />
Corbbmacc O'Connor<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Hi Corbbmacc,<br />
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You're right, Netscape doesn't support it. A better way to do this so it works cross browser would to be make a set of nested tables, with a colored table around the outside (cellpadding set from 1 to 5 depending on how thick you want the border) and a white table on the inside. This creates a colored line around your table. If you want it on just one side, you can always create a background graphic that is the same width as the table, and have the last 2 or 3 pixels be colored. The background would only need to be 1 or 2 pixels high since it will automatically tile.<!--content-->I dont know if this will help, but you can do a css. some of the values is border-right-color, border-width, border-style: dotted, solid, double... Dont know if that helps, and i dont know where to find it. It worked in both IE NS.<!--content-->Thanks a lot Jason and Cryson. Jason, I have decied to go with your idea because I believe only the latest few versions of Netscape can do CSS. Thanks a lot though Cryson!<!--content-->