table border color?

table border color?<br />
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i am using div overflow to able to scroll bar ..<br />
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but how i change the color for the scroll bar<br />
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and the table border color also<!--content-->and is there anyway to smooth the edges of the table border?<!--content-->1. not possible<br />
2. <table style="border:1px solid #f00" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary=""><br />
3. buy a better monitor<!--content-->Originally posted by Fang <br />
1. not possible <br />
Are you refering to his question about changing the scrollbar colors?<!--content-->In the table with IE in quirks mode it's possible, but otherwise not.<!--content-->Originally posted by Fang <br />
In the table with IE in quirks mode it's possible, but otherwise not. <br />
Ooo, wow, I didn't know that :o.<br />
Well, heheh, you learn something new all the time. ;)<!--content-->