Table alignment help!!

how do I put three different tables on the same lign? The first table is automatically on the left, the other one I put align=right. But the third one doesn't want to be in the center of the two others. It goes on the left bottom.<br />
how do i do it go in the center of the two others?<br />
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Please help!!<!--content-->The easiest way is probably to use another table to contain the three smaller ones. Bear in mind, though, that tables don't display until the </table> tag is reached so pages may take a long time to display. You could probably do this better using CSS, but here goes:<br />
<br />
<br />
<table width="100%"><tr><br />
<td width="33%" align="left"><table>(Code for left table)</table><br />
<td width="33%" align="center"><table>(Code for middle table)</table><br />
<td width="33%" align="right"><table>(Code for right table)</table><br />
</tr></table><br />
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If your tables are of different widths this might cause problems. As I say, researching CSS would probably be the best option. You might be able to do something using the float option.<br />
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Adam<!--content-->If you have a width on the tables just do something like this:<br />
<br />
<br />
<table style="width:100px; float:left;">...</table><br />
<table style="width:100px; float:left;">...</table><br />
<table>...</table><br />
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BTW, I hope those tables of yours are really tables and not just a way to get borders around your page content. If it is you've been a bad boy and Santa aint going to give you any presents this year ;)<!--content-->stefan,<br />
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i really don't understand what you mean by putting borders around my page... what's wrong if ever I do it?<br />
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Anyway thank you for your suggestion.:D<!--content-->Use the code from adam, it is safe and works on all browsers!<!--content-->Originally posted by swon <br />
Use the code from adam, it is safe and works on all browsers! <br />
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Of cource neighter of those statements are correct.<br />
Try eg with Lynx.<br />
It also potenially makes the page very hard to read with a screenreader.<br />
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CSS isn't 100% safe nor work in all browsers either, but I'm not claiming that either :D<!--content-->A good friend of mine is a screen reader and he likes looking at tables no more than I do, when I read your code.<br />
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Anyway, the CSS way is much more intuitive and easier to use, because your objects have independence and you don't need to scramble your tables to add a little design fix later on.<br />
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...I say that because I've been through both tables and CSS. My tables went as deep as five level-nestedness for accurate positioning and for total subdivision of images to optimize them better with a gif compressor. But what a fool I've been. PNG is lossless - 100% true colour quality and it replaced my connectionbusting army of 50+ gifs with a net reduction in size of about 60%.<br />
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hmm trailing off here, but check out <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. />
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Good luck with your tables.<!--content-->