Tab Help


Not sure if this is the right place. I have several letters to format for a web page. The problem, they were created in MS Word and run through some type of converter for another hosting company and now all I have is the raw file with tons of tags they don't need. The problem I have is tabs. The documents have columns and headers just like a letter to a friend and this needs to be coded in to show on the web page as this:<br />
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To: Mr. Jones<br />
From: Mr. Smith<br />
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Subject:Help!<br />
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Can this be done with CSS? The client prefers no java. I am still searching but the indent tag is not exactly what I need.<br />
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Thanks in advance!<!--content-->you can use text-indent:2em; or something like that. if i understand you.<!--content-->That works for some of it but the problem I am having is like the example listed, I have to get spaces in between the To and Mr. Smith. I can use **(& n b s p ;)** 5 or 6 times to line it up but I would love to get this into CSS or some tag if I could. I don't see how it can be done but who knows. They don't have the original files, yikes so I have to remove all the front page extensions and recode the text from scratch.<br />
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Thanks for the help!<!--content-->ah, i see. hmm. i would just make a little table for that. seems the easiest way.<!--content-->Yeah that is what I was thinking. I mean there are 30 tables in one document that the client made all of this in a word doc so of course when it converted with whatever program the other company used it loaded it full of front page extensions, which I don't use for obvious reasons. I guess I can either make the information graphs in word and convert them to a gif in pshop and the rest make small tables out of them. I have atleast 50 docs to do this way. I do appreciate the help. Just wanted to make sure there wasn't something out there I didn't think of. A front page tag stripper would be great at this point. <br />
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Thanks again!!<!--content-->i would also just use a little table, or divs floated left,<br />
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as far as i can see loads of people just use a few & n b s p;'s, easy & quick<!--content-->Thanks!!<!--content-->