SYSTEM fonts fudging up WEBPAGE colours


Did you know changing the system font can affect your webpage design? I found this by accident, and I like someone to explain why it happens...<br />
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Just go to Settings > Control Panels > Display > Appearance > Item > choose Window > and in Font change the colour to something awful, like yellow. Some websites are adversly affected, you can't read the page anymore, like Smaller parts of HTMLforums are affected.<br />
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More here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... post999735</a><!-- m -->).<br />
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See this gawd-awful picture? Those words are normally black. This is what I get for experimenting with the black-windows-white-letters-large-font Scheme (High Contrast #1 (large))<!--content-->why do you think it does? when a webpage loads it loads the system fonts of the user. that is why we say you can't set the font to a webpage default as long as the user has control of it.<br />
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you can alo change a webpages font and color in a style sheet you specify in the tools -> internet tools -->general tab---> accessiblity button.<!--content-->What HTML code needs to go into a page to suppress "system window font color"? <br />
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Look. Compare these two pictures. At HTMLforums, all normal words are black, as they should be, but the form field I reply in has yellow words.<br />
At VBforums, all normal words are in yellow, as it shouldn't be, but their form fields I reply in are legible in black as those should be.<br />
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My only conclusion is the webpage HTML code has to control these differneces, I won't believe they're glitches.<!--content-->Windows shouldn't have control over the colour of webpages. It appears only partial in each picture, and not total. But some sites basic reading is ruined since most pages have a white background...<!--content-->hehehe.... I see someone answered your query over at the other forum... that pretty much sums it up for me too....<br />
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I think you need a vacation postitlord, nice quiet place, sunny skies, away from computers.... ;)<!--content-->Originally posted by postitlord <br />
What HTML code needs to go into a page to suppress "system window font color"? <br />
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Look. Compare these two pictures. At HTMLforums, all normal words are black, as they should be, but the form field I reply in has yellow words.<br />
At VBforums, all normal words are in yellow, as it shouldn't be, but their form fields I reply in are legible in black as those should be.<br />
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My only conclusion is the webpage HTML code has to control these differneces, I won't believe they're glitches. <br />
now postitlord, I know this will blow your mind but if you look real hard and open the source of the page and look really hard.<br />
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<STYLE type=text/css><br />
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INPUT {BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cccccc; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 12px}<br />
TEXTAREA {BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cccccc; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 12px}<br />
OPTION {BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cccccc; COLOR: #51485f; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10px}<br />
FORM {FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10px}<br />
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they are setting the textarea to grey and the fonts to black. that was from vbforums and these forums don't specify a font color.<br />
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so that is all there is too it.<!--content-->