Syntax Error!


on my site <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> i have a syntax error. i dont have a clue on how to delete it. please can someone help me?<br />
thanx<!--content-->The validator won't touch your site: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... &verbose=1</a><!-- m --> and I sure am not clicking that link until I know where it goes and what it does.<br />
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Later:<br />
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Ah, I see. It uses UTF-8 encoding, but does not declare it so.<br />
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Setting that encoding option in the validator allows checking, and explains the error: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... &verbose=1</a><!-- m --><br />
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Find that line in your file, and fix whatever is there:<br />
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58: #### encoding problem on this line, not shown ####<br />
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After that, revalidate the file and correct the HTML errors found there. The validator will give you a list.<br />
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.<!--content-->its fixed:rocker: :rocker: :rocker: :cool: :D :D :D :cool: :cool:<!--content-->>> It's fixed <<<br />
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Not from where I am looking it isn't.<br />
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Later:<br />
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Checking as UTF-8 I see that line 58 still contains invalid characters.<br />
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Checking as ISO-8859-1 it now seems to work.<br />
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You need to declare the Character encoding in your meta tags.<br />
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Then try fixing the 72 HTML errors:<br />
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Add type="text/javascript" to every <script> tag.<br />
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Add a type="text/css" attribute to every <style> tag.<br />
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Correct the entity errors by changing every & in the URLs to be &amp; instead.<br />
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Remember to "Quote" all attributes, especially all "#FFFFFF" colors, all URLs, all "50%" sizes, and any other attribute value that contains anything other than a simple "A" to "Z" or "0" to "9" value. In HTML 4.01 it is recommended to quote all attribute values.<br />
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Add alt="some text" to every <img > tag, the text reflecting what is in the dispayed image. On unimportant images, like spacer elements, a minimum of alt="" is fine. For bullet-point images, alt="*" is often used. Search engines do index the alt text. The alt attribute is a required element.<br />
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Hide any closing tags like '</td>' that are within document.write statements by either breaking them open '</' + 'td>' or by escaping them <\/td> and the validator will no longer complain about these closing tags. It is important to break directly after the / and not the middle of a word.<br />
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Fix all of that, and you will just be left with some nesting errors and a few typos.<br />
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