Symfony2: data-prototype error_bubbling?


New Member
Validation errors in the data-prototype seem to be either bubbled up \[code\]'error_bubbling' => true,\[/code\] or not at all if \[code\]'error_bubbling' => false,\[/code\]. If, for example, I submit the form without a first name (fname), the validation error is either global and displayed by \[code\]{{ form_errors(form) }}\[/code\] or not at all (in prototype form \[code\]{{ form_errors(form.fname) }}\[/code\]). Is it possible to show validation errors at the prototype's field?Code:Data-prototype:\[code\]<tr id="member-form"><td >{{ form_widget(form.include, {'attr': {'class':'smallform'}}) }}</td><td>{{ form_widget(form.fname, {'attr': {'class':'smallform'}}) }}<br>{{ form_errors(form.fname) }}</td><td>{{ form_widget(form.sname, {'attr': {'class':'smallform'}}) }}</td><td>{{ form_widget(form.dob, {'attr': {'class':'smallform'}}) }}</td><td>{{ form_widget(form.gender, {'attr': {'class':'smallform'}}) }}</td><td>{{ form_widget(form.ethnicity, {'attr': {'class':'smallform'}}) }}</td><td><a id="removeTr" class="smallbutton" href="" onclick="removeTr(this)">Remove</a></td>\[/code\]Form class\[code\]->add('members', 'collection', array( 'type' => new MemberType(), 'allow_add' => true, 'allow_delete' => true, 'by_reference' => false, 'error_bubbling' => true, 'prototype' => true,))\[/code\]