Symfony : error while accessing an array


New Member
i want to output an array containing numbers.I'm creating the array like this (it recieved the statistics for the last 7 days) :\[code\] <?php public function getStatisticsTeams() { $tab = array(); for($i=7;$i=0;$i--) { $q = Doctrine_Query::create() ->from('stJob j') ->where('j.created_at = ?', date('Y-m-d h:i:s' , time() - 86400 * $i )) ->execute() ->count(); $tab[] = $q; } return $tab; }\[/code\]action.class.php\[code\]$this->st_job = Doctrine::getTable('StJob')->getStatisticsTeams();\[/code\]Use of the array in my template.php :\[code\]$chart->inlineGraph(array('hits' => $st_job), array('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday' ....), 'div_id');\[/code\]When i try to access to my array it fails because the function i use must have an array which is supposed to contain for example (43,5,87,3,29,8,10) , and when i \[code\]var_dump($st_job)\[/code\] (my array)\[code\]object(sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator)#363 (3) { ["count":"sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator":private]=> int(0) ["value":protected]=> array(0) { } ["escapingMethod":protected]=> string(16) "esc_specialchars" } \[/code\]Do you have any idea of what i'm doing wrong ?Thank you