New Member
Sorry if this question has been asked a lot. I am currently working on a site that will have a custom gallery. Of all things to get stuck on right now, its the gallery page indicator. On this page, the left portion will be made of a gallery of "galleries", displaying 6 galleries per "page". the gallery are small blue dots that will serve as gallery indicators. The code to create the gallery indicators is as follows:\[code\] <?php for ($i=0; $i < $n2; $i++): ?> <div class="event-gallery-unselected"></div> <?php endfor; ?>\[/code\]Upon loading I would like the left most dot to be given a different style that is attributed to class="event-gallery-selected". Upon clicking any other dot (except the current selection) the currently selected dot needs to revert back to "event-gallery-unselected" and the clicked dot takes on "event-gallery-selected"I am kinda new to PHP, very new to JavaScript and JQuery. If using either of those languages as an example could you please breakdown your explanation? Thank you very much for all of your help.