swish and html background


Hi there I am new to the forum and I got a quistion someone may help<br />
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How can I use swish file as a home page backgroun?<br />
Thanks for help.<br />
Resay :mad:<!--content-->I have no idea what a swish file is.<br />
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Web browsers are generally limited to the .png, jpg or .gif formats, unless the user installs extra software, like flash and so on.<br />
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I have no idea if you could use a swish file as a background, but I consider it unlikely.<!--content-->SWiSH (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.swishzone.com/index.php">http://www.swishzone.com/index.php</a><!-- m -->) is a Flash-creation program.<br />
You can't use Flash files as backgrounds.<!--content-->Hi, I have Swish.<br />
You can't load a "swish file" to your homepage.<br />
Stead create the html file and then make it your homepagw.<br />
that's what'll do. :D<br />
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PS: I'm a newbie in the Forum, but not at HTML :D<!--content-->