swf not loading updated xml data


New Member
I have several swfs that use AS 1/2 to color state maps based on xml data. This worked great for a couple of years, but now the xml file has been updated. The swfs will not load the new info. It's like they did it once and it's now set in stone. I've searched for a week and tried several cache busters, but none have worked. Most of the things I've tried were based on adding a date/time stamp to the xml load statement. These either had no effect or broke the application.Here's the code:\[code\]var dp = new Array();dp_xml = new XML();dp_xml.ignoreWhite = true;dp_xml.load('dplaws.xml');dp_xml.onLoad = function(sucess) { if (sucess) { parseFile(dp_xml); showArray(); }};function Map(state, category, qid, question, response) { this.state = state; this.category = category; this.qid = qid; this.question = question; this.response = response; if((substring(response,1,3)=="Yes") && (qid == "b")) { myColor = new Color(state); myColor.setRGB(0xA2B5CD); } else if((substring(response,1,3)!="Yes") && (qid == "b")) { myColor = new Color(state); myColor.setRGB(0xcccccc); }}function parseFile(xmlDoc_xml) { temp = new Array(); for (var a = 0; a<xmlDoc_xml.firstChild.childNodes.length; a++) { for (var b = 0; b<xmlDoc_xml.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes.length; b++) { temp = xmlDoc_xml.firstChild.childNodes[a].childNodes.firstChild.nodeValue; } n = new Map(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3], temp[4]); dp.push(n); }}function showArray(){for (var z = 0; z<dp.length; z++) { trace(dp[z].state); trace(dp[z].category); trace(dp[z].question); trace(dp[z].response); trace(dp[z].qid);}}\[/code\]Thanks for any help,Debbie