I've seen a lot of questions similar to this but none that I could find address this specific problem or so I think.I have a page built in this format that controls the concent of a dynamic part of a webpage, What i want it to do is with randomly based on the div with the "switchme" class. so basically I want everything to swap around without having the content inside the "switchme" change, just its place in the page. Ive tried numerous javascript and jquery scripts but in the end it always ends up moving around the interal divs\[code\]<div class= "switchme_container"><div class = "switchme"><div>Content</div><div>Content</div><div>Content</div><div>Content</div></div><div class = "switchme"><div>Content</div><div></div><div></div><div></div></div><div class = "switchme"><div>Content</div><div>Content</div><div>Content</div><div>Content</div></div></div><script>function shuffle(sj) { var replace = $('<div>');var size = sj.size();while (size >= 1) { var randomize = Math.floor(Math.random() * size); var tempdiv = sj.get(randomize); replace.append(tempdiv); sj = sj.not(tempdiv); }$('#switchme_container').html(replace.html() ); </script>\[/code\]