Survey Validation help


Staff member
The code below validates my survey questions to ensure that the responder has answered all the questions before submitting the survey. If one selects "No Contact' on a drop down menu with the first question, it will not require the responder to answer the next 5 questions, but if the responder selected other response other than "No Contact" (say "1 to 4 times", or "More than 5 times"), this code will ensure that the responder to answer the next 5 questions. The problem with this code is that if a responder selects "No Contact", it will not do anything while I would like for it to go on and check/validate the 6th and rest questions and if all is ok, submit the survey at the end. It must be something to do with bracket location or something like that? I used pop up alert "Done" on the code below for testing purpose only. Is there anyone who can detect the bug and help me? It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

<SCRIPT language="Javascript">
function SubmitSurvey() {
if ((form1.CHR_dealt.value != "No Contact")) {
O=0, T=0, R=0, K=0, A=0, H=0, C=0
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (form1.CHR_overall.checked==true) O = O+1
if (form1.CHR_time.checked==true) T = T+1
if (form1.CHR_res.checked==true) R = R+1
if (form1.CHR_know.checked==true) K = K+1
if (form1.CHR_acc.checked==true) A = A+1
if (form1.CHR_help.checked==true) H = H+1
if (form1.CHR_court.checked==true) C = C+1 }
if (O==0 || T==0 || R==0 || K==0 || A==0 || H==0 || C==0) {
alert ('Please ensure you have answered all questions about the Immediate Office, Center for Human Resources.')
else {
alert ('Done')}