Suggestions For Lightweight Cms Package?


I'm about to rework another church web site and want a lightweight CMS system to handle some of the page layout. I've looked at Mambo and Typo3 but neither seems to do exactly what I want (I want to design the site predominantly using GoLive since 90% of the pages will contain static content so don't want to use a system that pretty much generates the whole site dynamically from templates). I reckon that I can shoehorn pMachine into this application (I already use it for my blog) but wondered if anyone can suggest an open source package that will do the job better?<br /><br />Specifically, I need to be able to handle an event calendar that can be updated by a small number of people and also a few categories of news, sermons, announcements, etc. that I can insert into pages using simple PHP calls - show me all the news articles posted in the last week, show the most recent 5 sermons, etc. The ability for viewers to post comments would also be helpful.<br /><br />Does anyone have any suggestions before I head down the pMachine path?<br /><br />Thanks in advance,<br /><br />Dave Wilson<!--content-->
Both Mambo and Drupal allow you to add static pages to your site. Why not try those two before making a decision? <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->