vBTEAM Application
New Member
Guys.. I have to build an internet store using ASP..mind you I have never done this, but definately have an idea on how to do it. I just wanted to know if someone, and i am sure you guys have, here has some experience in developing a store .. basically shopping carts and stuff..<BR>I wanted to know what references i can read to accomplish this task.. any book you might be able to suggest would be a great help...this is my first job for internet store and i want to do my best.. so suggestions on any kind of references that i can read would be a great help<BR>thanx<BR>Here are a couple of books that could get you started...<BR><BR>http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0672318989/qid=1022956330/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_1/104-9892872-7296726<BR><BR>http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1861003986/qid=1022956330/sr=2-2/ref=sr_2_2/104-9892872-7296726<BR><BR>You also may want to download/look at some of the e-comm stuff available at http://www.aspin.com/<BR><BR>Good luck!I just realized that this is in the .NET forum...<BR><BR>Are you building it in .Net, or classic ASP?using classic ASP<BR>but i can suggest ASP.NET<BR><BR>this might be stupid question but.. what is the difference.. i am sorry i am new to all thisThat's probably not a good first ASP.NET project.<BR><BR>Anyway, there are *huge* diffences between the two...Really very little in teh way of similarities.<BR><BR>The list that I gave you before should get you up and running with classic ASP.<BR><BR>For an introduction to ASP.NET, check here.<BR>http://www.asp.net/<BR>thank you so much.. <BR>i have a month's deadline on the store do you think it is possible to build the store that quick..<BR>it is not a big store..Sure. Altough if you haven't ever done it before...You should really use as many pre-built components as you can. <BR><BR>Again, http://www.aspin.com/ is a great source for them.