Suggested ways of reading a text file with inconsistent formatting


New Member
I'm trying to read a text file of numbers as a double array and after various methods (usually resulting in an input format exception) I have come to the conclusion that the text file I am trying to read is inconsistent with it's delimiting.The majority of the text format is in the form "0.000,0.000" so I have been using a Scanner and the useDelimiter(",") to read in each value.It turns out though (this is a big file of numbers) that some of the formatting is in the form "0.000 0.000" (at the end of a line I presume) which of course produces an input format exception.This is an open question really, I'm a pretty basic Java programmer so I would just like to see if there are any suggestions/ways of performing this. Is Scanner the correct class to go on this?Thank you for your time!