

How often do I need to submit my site to search engines? I'ts been a year since I submitted mine to Google, and it still seems to be there. Would there be any use or harm done if I submit it again now a year later?<!--content-->I think you can Submit oncce every 6 months<!--content-->No harm to re-submit at this point. Google seems to re-index sites fairly regularly, though, so unless you've made significant changes, it's probably not necessary.<br />
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In most cases, you can re-submit to a search engine on a monthly basis, but not more often than that. I'd suggest no more than once a quarter.<!--content-->Personal experience: I never needed to resubmit my site. A key to that, I believe, is that none of my pages have gone "obsolete"; ie. when a page was no longer existant, I didn't remove it, just added a note at the top and a redirect. This way, indexing doesn't break; neither do bookmarks.<!--content-->One way to get well indexed and never having to rehash any search engine submittance is to make sure the keywords used in your meta tags appear on their respective page.;<br />
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Meaning... I've seen people use all kinds of non-pertinent keywords in their meta tags - words that did not appear on a given page - only to find their entire website badly indexed or dropped from metacrawlers altogether.<br />
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Hope this helps<br />
Regards,<br />
Q<!--content-->Q makes a good point. I've also seen pages place really well without any keywords at all. ...Kinda makes you wonder if all the work is really worth it.<!--content-->