Submitting To Article Aggregators Now Wasted Link Building?


New Member
This is an interpretation of the information in the Where is Google heading in the future? - GoogleWebmasterHelp YouTube I posted in the Google Forum focusing on article aggegators.

Quote: Okay when Matt Cutts speaks the search industry listens. So is his recent comment on the Google Webmaster Help Videos a good indication that submitting to article aggregators is no longer a way to build some link juice to your website?

His video title "Where is Google going in the future" suggests Google will soon be downplaying the impact of article sites, along with content farms. Submitting To Article Aggregators Now Wasted Link Building? I am not sure that this is that bad. I am sure Google has it worked which sites that they believe are reputable and those will continue to be ok. It looks and sounds to me like they are just worried about the ones that have no standards and just let anything in. If that is the case then it should help out in the long run. It disappoints me that Google will be downplaying article sites. I post a lot of my content to those type of sites. Hopefully google will only penalize sites with low grade content and leave sites like Ezine articles alone. Don't count on it. It's too difficult to determine the difference between a quality article directory and one that's not, algorithmically.

I have used ezinearticles, also, but always knowing that it was not really what Google is looking for ...

This is not really news. Moderators on V7N have been saying for some time that "self service" (as ~cReed calls them) links are really not the way to go. Put that amazing quality on your own site!