submitting multiple forms...


Quick facts:<br />
win2k system, intranet running ONLY IE, server side in Coldfusion Server4.0<br />
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I have a form which handles the upload of files <input type=file> (multiple if neccessary) to the server. That part is solid. I can upload to the server a single file, or multiple with no problem. Now, the second step is to create a automatic email to let me know when someone has uploaded their file (will be databases) to the server, so I can do my thang! Email works like a charm, and is executed when the script saves the files to the directory. <br />
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Problem: the form needs to have the attribute of: <br />
ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"<br />
so that the <input type=file> pulls the file itself. <br />
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BUT, with this form attribute, no other form elements are passed. Example: When the user uploads two files I need to send a email specifically telling me the names of the files uploaded. Unfortunately I can't do this if no text is passed.<br />
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I toyed with the idea of submitting multiple forms, one ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" and one "text/plain" but that didn't work. It seems that anytime the enctype is different than text/plain it overrides everything else. <br />
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Since this is a shared directory I will get a lot of updates from all over, so I can't just go in and find the right one visually. I need to pass the filenames to myself in emails. <br />
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So any advice on the ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" or submitting multiple forms would be groovey! Thanks!<!--content-->Two forms should work if you frame it. Put each form in a different frame sany x and y. Only the form in y has a submit button and it submits the form in the other frame first using:<br />
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top.frames.x.document.formname.submit() as the cross-frame reference. Ithink that or some variation on it should work, and it looks like it should be fine cross-browser.<!--content-->couldn't you just capture the file names in a variable and have it auto send you an email when the user pushs submit?<!--content-->scoutt,<br />
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you can-but the enc type=multipart/ form data seems to only respect the "file" input field, and discards everything else... other form fields and variables.<!--content-->