Submitting form to another page


New Member
WHEN WE USE .NET WEB FORM CONTRLS HOW DO U SUBMIT THE FORM TO ANOTHER FILE.MY FORM IS IN aa.aspx AND WANT TO SUBMIT TO ANOTHER FILE bb.aspx<BR><form method=post runat=server action="bb.aspx"><BR><BR>I ALSO NEED TO DO VALIDATIONS ON TWO DROP DOWN BOXES (ie THE VALUE SELECTED IN BOTH THE DROP DOWN BOXES ARE DIFFERENT)<BR><asp:CompareValidator Operator=1 id="list1" ControlToValidate="cy" ControlToCompare="cy1" ErrorMessage="xx" Display="Dynamic" Font-Name="Arial" Font-Size="11" runat=server><BR>List fields(1)&(2) match</asp:CompareValidator><BR><BR><BR>PLZ RESPOND 2 MY QUERY SOOOOOOON<BR>Hi jill just as for your first ? just take out the runat=server<BR>and it will post to another page then you can go <BR>request.form('text1") like you could in VS6<BR><form id=form1 method=post action="bb.aspx"><BR>as for your second ? I have no idea how to use the validation stuff yet... SorryHi AgentBxb ,<BR><form id=form1 method=post action="bb.aspx"><BR>this is fine but need 2 do validation as well what about that????? <BR>(i.e <asp:CompareValidator Operator=1 id="list1" ControlToValidate="cy" ControlToCompare="cy1" ErrorMessage="xx" Display="Dynamic" Font-Name="Arial" Font-Size="11" runat=server>)<BR><BR>cause if i give runat server then the form is submitte to the same page and i need the action to be different from the current page.<BR><BR>ANY IDEA ????