Submitting Data from an text box to an e-mail accoung

When I set up a text box with a mailto: command, it popups and says that it is sending without encrypting for privacy. It concerns most people and they are reluctant to submit. Is there a way to get rid of it??? I'd appreciate any help. Please e-mail me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->, as this is for a school website I am making and the system administrator doesn't know how.<!--content-->I'm quite certain that it can't be avoided when you submit a form via email. I'd suggest using PHP or Perl/CGI to make a simple form mailer...<!--content-->I am not a total computer genious when it comes to programming a stie. Could you explain what I would need to do???<!--content-->Does your server support PHP? If so, I can show you how to do it easily enough, but if you want to use CGI, I'd move this over to the CGI forum where those more knowledgeable about CGI than myself can help you.<!--content-->Thanks.<!--content-->Please show me the code that you had before, with the mailto...<!--content-->