Submitting A Form To A Forum


I'm coding a website that will have a news script to allow our newshounds to post news to the website. <br /><br />What I'd like to do is also add the news item to the news board on our forum as a new thread. I'm using Invision's board. I've used their table's before to pull member information, but not to post to. <br /><br />I'm sure I can figure out how to get the news item into the invision board, but I just wanted to see if anyone else has done this before. I'm thinking it'll be fairly simple, but I don't want to miss putting an id or something into some obscure table. Anyone played with invision's tables enough to know this??<br /><br /><br />*edit* wow, I didn't make that very clear, did I?? What I'm doing is using a form to submit news to the website. I want that same form to also add the news item to the forum's news board at the exact same time without the user having to do anything else. Maybe that helps. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /><!--content-->
Hi,<br /><br />Hmmm, you would need to have a forum which only guests could post in for a start. It should be possible but quite a feat.<br /><br />What I have done is I have a seperate forum where certain people can come and start threads with news items. Other vistors can only reply and also the news then gets flashed on the front page. Ok it means them logging into the forum, but then everything else goes smoothly from that. <br /><br />I use phpBB to do it, but you should be able to do the same using Invision<br /><br />Jim<!--content-->
The people who will be posting news will only be people I know (the add script is in a protected part of the site). I currently have it setup so that it uses their forum info to validate their site account, so they will have an account on the forum.<br /><br />I'm thinking that I can just input the post straight into the ibf_posts table. I'll have to pull from a few other tables to get things like user ids, board ids, and member groups, but I think that should do it. Maybe... we'll see. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /><!--content-->