I am trying to understand the requirements of a third party api I am to submit xml data to for contest submissions. The information is below.NOTE: The XML must NOT get URL encoded and the xml must get submitted as a name value pair (xml=[the xml goes here]) using POST.1) Data to be sent in XML format.\[code\]Fields:first_nameaddressemail\[/code\]The API does accept an HTTP POST (not GET) containing your submission data as separate fields (as they would be submitted directly from a form). 2) The API will return a simple xml structure confirming receipt of the data:\[code\]<opt><order_success><next_offer_url/><order_success><order_failed/></opt>\[/code\]My code I wrote for the ajax post request looks something like this, I'm not sure but I think it follows the guidelines outlined above.\[code\]a = $("input#name").val();b = $("input#email").val();c = $("input#address").val();{ var dataString = (xml=['<first_name>' + a + '</first_name>' + '<address>' + c + '</address>' + '<email>' + b + '</email>']); $.ajax ( { type: 'POST', data: dataString, url: $('#newsletter').attr('action'), success: function(){ $('#image_container').hide (1000, function () { setTimeout ( function() { $('#thankYou').show(1000); }, 500); }\[/code\]