Submit count


Hi everyone!<br />
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I have put up an online shop for my Son's slotcar collection at (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) and the order details plus the buyers info is sent to a secure site, which then informs me by mail to go and read it.<br />
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OK the only snag is that I do not have an invoice number recorded anywhere, so I wondered if it would be possible to record a press of the submit button on the html form, send that press plus the current number (of submits previous), as a form entry to be included on what I see when I retrieve the purchase info.<br />
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Basically a buyer submits an order the count is 1 and that gets sent with all the other details.<br />
The next buyer presses submit and the count is incremented by 1 thus becoming 2.<br />
It's just a very simple invoice numbering system I require, as when we converse on the phone we can refer to order No 26 rather than search the records for an item or customer name.<br />
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TYIA<!--content-->not possible unles you saved it on the server. you hav eto use serverside language to do this. javascript can't remember the number so you are stuck with a serverside language like php or asp or cgi.<!--content-->Thank you for your reply Scoutt.<!--content-->