T timmy07 New Member Nov 15, 2007 #1 Hi weiss jemand von euch wie man diese subforum ansicht macht? Max.4 untereinander und alles weiteren dann links daneben. MFG
Hi weiss jemand von euch wie man diese subforum ansicht macht? Max.4 untereinander und alles weiteren dann links daneben. MFG
R RavenDust New Member Nov 15, 2007 #2 Hi, ja, das Ding nennt sich Cyb's Subforum Manager. Habs dir angehängt. Liebe Grüße, -Venom
N nazu New Member Jan 3, 2008 #4 thanks for this was looking for it any idea why its not working for my forum? 3.7.0 beta 3? It installed proeprly, said it updated the styles yet its not working Oo subforums are sitll displayed the old way!
thanks for this was looking for it any idea why its not working for my forum? 3.7.0 beta 3? It installed proeprly, said it updated the styles yet its not working Oo subforums are sitll displayed the old way!