

Staff member
I just got my own domain and I need to know how to make and use subdirectories. Do I put all image files, etc. in<br />
folder and leave out html page or do I put the html file in the folder?<!--content-->it dosent matter where you put your images as long as your page reference to the images knows where they are..<br />
i have a domain but it only points to a freeweb host that i use, so i pay for redirection.If you have an actual domain then just add the folder onto the end.exactly the same as you do with windows.<br />
In your web page instead of having the short path<br />
<img src="/desktop/myimage.gif><br />
use the full path<br />
<imgsrc="><br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... yimage.gif</a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
im not sure if this what you wanted.if you need more info post again and ill try again<br />
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DaFunk<!--content-->Hi :)<br />
<br />
Most FTP programs will allow you to create and use subdirectories easily. Try Download <!--more-->.com and check out the many FREE FTP programs there. :) Your host should be able to help you with the account info for you to upload to your site. :)<!--content-->I still don't have it right. Would someone check the code and maaybe figure out what I'm doing wrong.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->these are the images that you are calling:<br />
<a href=><img border=0 src=color/color9t.jpg></a><br />
<a href=><img border=0 src=color/color10t.jpg></a><br />
<a href=><img border=0 src=color/color11t.jpg></a><br />
<a href=><img border=0 src=color/color12t.jpg></a><br />
<br />
But look inside your directory:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
Just one strange file is there. Either somethign got messed up while you were uploading, or you didn;t upload to there, or maybe you uploaded your images in ascii instead of binary?<!--content-->HI Jason.<br />
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I looked at your code and the big thing I see is that the images you reference in your html do not exist in the "color" directory. I called up the directory itself and there appears to be nothing in it (except that weird file). Are you sure you uploaded all of your images into the correct directory? What type of ftp client are you using to upload to your server?<br />
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Also, for future reference, when naming the "src" in your <img> tag, you should always enclose the src url in quotes.(e.g. <img src="srcurl/src.gif">) This will be very important if you cross over into xhtml, and also makes for cleaner allaround code.<br />
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I would try uploading your images again, or try the absolute URL(like DaFunk said).<br />
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This has got to be simple to fix! Keep trying.<br />
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-Sillyfish<!--content-->Sillyfish,<br />
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That is what I was poining out to: txpigmom. He's got the images that aren't loading (view the top of the thread) :p<!--content-->