Style properties not working correctly in NS 7.02


I am having some problems with a style property for the "hover" state on <a href> links in Netscape 7.02. they are supposed to change from white to a darker sage when the mouse is over them. They work fine in IE.<br />
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Plus I have an image as a background placed in a table cell using the style="background-image.." property that is not showing up in Netscape 7.02 either. What could I do to fix these problems?<br />
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Here is the link to my site <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
Thanks.<!--content-->1) put hover as the last thing, or change active to the same color as hover. that's just a guess, and probably won't do it. the css is valid there otherwise.<br />
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2) try taking out the single-quotes around the URL. you don't actually need them. yet another guess, because that's always worked for me, but i see it doesn't in this case, which ALSO makes no sense to me. if that doesn't work, try this shorthand:<br />
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style="background: url(images/handshake.jpg) no-repeat bottom right fixed;"<br />
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...which also shouldn't technically make a bit of difference, but you never know.<!--content-->There's an error in your p.nav declaration causing it. Don't judge any code by what IE renders, it will display anything! Move your paragraph tags outside the link tags for neatness, and correct the p.nav error to fix it in Netscape. <br />
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Change:<br />
<br />
<a href="index.html"><p class="nav">HOME</p></a><br />
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To:<br />
<br />
<p class="nav"><a href="index.html">HOME</a></p><br />
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In your p.nav line change font: bold to font-weight: bold, as font is a shorthand property but you have already used font-family: in the same declaration.<br />
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Also, some of your other CSS needs attention. Change where you have used font-family: times, garamond, serif; to font-family: "times new roman", garamond, serif; (including the quotes). Also everywhere you use color: it is advisable to specify a background, just use background: transparent.<!--content-->Thanks!! I have a new thread you might be able to help me with as well.<!--content-->