STYLE methods


New Member
Hi. I already posted this on CSS, but i think it also applies to Javascript since i'm going to use it with Javascript too.

I'm having some problems with CSS. I'm using a mailserver which generates all the content for a web interface and i'm not able to change anything but CSS.

This program, uses "class" identifiers on everything, so you're supposed to be able to change the appearance of every element in the web page.

Now, there are a few things i don't know how to accomplish.

1. In the CSS file, i have all links in dark blue. BUT, i need one unique link to be white. This link is inside of a span:
<span class="small"><a href="/">Click here to return</a></span> Does anyone know how to make only this link to appear white?

2. The program generates all kind of form inputs. This form elements have not class parameter. They're supposed to be stylized from the CSS file too. And yes, it can be done with INPUT in the CSS file. BUT, what i want, is a different appearance to text inputs and button inputs. Does any one know how can i specify this in the CSS file?

Thank you very much.
