Style for radiobuttons and validate them with validationEngine.js


New Member
I want apply style to my checkboxes and radiobuttons (using pics on my css and a script piece of code that change the radio image when the inputs are checked). At the same time i want use for validate them the jquery script validationEngine . MY PROBLEM: I can't use the atributte class="" for both them ( class="validate[required] radio" for my validation script and class="label_radio" for my css style) so , i tried giving the sytle to a one label but don't works.If a insert pics i cant see the error messeges from validationEngine.js. So what can i do? How can i give stytle and validate them without problems?These are my dinamic radios:\[code\]< label class="label_radio" id="< ?= $question=$row_questionset['QuestionIDFKPK'];?>" value="< ?= $row_Answer['AnswerIDPK'] ?>" > < input class="validate[required] radio" id="< ?php echo $row_questionset['QuestionIDFKPK'];? >" name="radiobutton< ?= $question;?>[]" value="<?= $row_Answer['AnswerIDPK'] ?>" type="radio" < ?php if ( $row_Answer['UserAnswer']!='') {echo "checked=checked";} ?> data-prompt-position="centerLeft" /> < ?phpecho $row_Answer['AnswerValue'];?> </ label>\[/code\]