stupid problem, but still a problem


New Member
Hi everyone,
I am VERY new to the whole XML thing. I have read through pages and pages of information about it, but still have not found the solution to my, seemingly simple, problem, so I am hoping someone can help.

I have been working on a local theaters website, and they recently updated their registers to create/update a XML sheet to contain up-to-date showtimes. I followed the tuorial on here (displaing the CD artist & titles) but my problem is I need to access information in the subchild (or is it sub-children then?) here is the code I am using

<xml id="showtimes" src=""></xml>

<table border="1" datasrc="#showtimes">
<td><span datafld="name"></span></td>
<td><span datafld="time"></span></td>

but I cannot seem the get the name and time to show up. The tree of the XML file is

- <rtnshowtime>
- <filmtitle>
<name>DA VINCI CODE</name>
<shortname>THE DA VINCI CODE</shortname>
<website />
- <show>
<salelink> WCI=BuyTicket&WCE=THE+DA+VINCI+CODE,052520061145,2,45638,PG13</salelink>

what do I need to do to get past the <theatreid> and into the showtimes? Thanks!