Stupid And Confused. Can U Help?


:( I WAS WANDERING IF NEONE COULD HELP ME. AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE WER IT SAYS DONE AFTER THE PAGE LOADS ON I.E., HOW CAN U PUT SCROLLING TEXT RIGHT THERE? REALLY STUPID QUESTION AND IF U NO CAN U PLZ E-MAIL ME AT <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --> CAUSE I PROB WONT COME BACK HERE, TY:(<!--content-->well welcome to the forums and sorry to see you leave.<br />
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and please don't type in caps<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Stupid and confused... well that sums it up.<!--content-->Originally posted by entimp <br />
Stupid and confused... well that sums it up. And that's a self-observation, right? Because no one in the HTMLforums would greet a newcomer like that, would they? <br />
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Fennec, you're welcome here any time, but any answer you get should be posted here on the boards so that everyone may benefit.<br />
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Peg<!--content-->My observations based on the SMS school of language, the use of caps and the I can't be bothered to come back here and see if anyone has been kind enough to spare a little time to help me attitude... <br />
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Dont get me wrong... I would like to think I am usually fairly helpful and give my time up when I can, and give the odd welcome or two...<br />
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But what else do you want me to say to such a post?<!--content-->CAUSE I PROB WONT COME BACK HERE, TY why not?<!--content-->Well this tells us alot.<br />
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1) He dosn't give a....He dosn't care about the scrolling thing enough to actually come back for an answer.<br />
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and 2) He is lazy.<br />
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Good luck with the code =)<!--content-->But what else do you want me to say to such a post? Saying nothing works well.<br />
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Peg<!--content-->lol sry guys, peg, :mad:imp:mad: i was in a big hry thx fer the help though<!--content-->Peg... saying nothing says an awful lot, but not the right thing. I felt the original post was taking a few things for granted and I said something about it. Maybe I shot from the hip but that's me.<br />
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Fennec Warrior it isn't anything personal. Just don't expect people to go chasing you down when you post here... if you ask here, expect a reply here. If anything, as already mentioned it is so other people can learn from the same problem. It is as simple as that. I am happy to spend a few hours of my own time working out someone elses problems be it html based or graphic based... a post like yours tends to rub people up the wrong way, intended or not.<br />
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Do me a favour though, being dyslexic, and other users who don't have English as a first language (there are a good few)... try not to use SMS style grammar. <br />
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Lastly as I said, nothing personal, welcome to the threads and I hope you enjoy and make use of them.<!--content-->It's the sort of post that I also wouldn't reply to, so you didn't see my reply up there too.<!--content-->I don't see why ppl still post here...<!--content-->wouldnt a simple marquee help him?<!--content-->no<!--content-->