Hey, I'm having troubles compiling PHP5 on Mandrake 9.2 with Apache 1.3.31, IMAP c-client 2004. It compiles fine and even runs fine from command line. But when I start Apache I get error message with something like pam_start or pam_end or some other one where it can't load the module. Below is my compile configure for PHP. Any help is appreciated:
./configure \
--with-config-file-path=/etc \
--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
--enable-magic-quotes \
--with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl \
--with-zlib \
--with-curl \
--with-curlwrappers \
--enable-bcmath \
--enable-dio \
--with-bz2 \
--with-mcal=/usr/include \
--enable-calendar \
--enable-dio \
--enable-dbx \
--enable-exif \
--enable-ftp \
--with-imap=/usr/local/imap-2004a \
--with-imap-ssl=/usr/local/ssl \
--with-gd \
--with-jpeg-dir \
--with-png-dir \
--with-zlib-dir \
--with-ttf \
--enable-gd-native-ttf \
--enable-gd-jis-conv \
--with-ttf \
--with-gettext \
--with-iconv \
--with-java \
--enable-mbstring \
--with-mcrypt \
--with-mhash \
--with-mime-magic \
--with-mysql \
--with-mm \
--enable-sockets \
--with-regex \
--with-libxml-dir=/usr/local/libxml2 \
--enable-sysvmsg \
--enable-sysvsem \
--enable-sysvshm \
--with-xsl \
--enable-zend-multibyte \
--enable-wddx \
--enable-yp \
--with-zip \
--with-pear \
--enable-memory-limit \
--with-kerberos \
--with-sqlite \
--enable-sqlite-utf8Originally posted by nemesis555
I get error message with something like pam_start or pam_end or some other one
Too vague. Give the actual error message
./configure \
--with-config-file-path=/etc \
--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
--enable-magic-quotes \
--with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl \
--with-zlib \
--with-curl \
--with-curlwrappers \
--enable-bcmath \
--enable-dio \
--with-bz2 \
--with-mcal=/usr/include \
--enable-calendar \
--enable-dio \
--enable-dbx \
--enable-exif \
--enable-ftp \
--with-imap=/usr/local/imap-2004a \
--with-imap-ssl=/usr/local/ssl \
--with-gd \
--with-jpeg-dir \
--with-png-dir \
--with-zlib-dir \
--with-ttf \
--enable-gd-native-ttf \
--enable-gd-jis-conv \
--with-ttf \
--with-gettext \
--with-iconv \
--with-java \
--enable-mbstring \
--with-mcrypt \
--with-mhash \
--with-mime-magic \
--with-mysql \
--with-mm \
--enable-sockets \
--with-regex \
--with-libxml-dir=/usr/local/libxml2 \
--enable-sysvmsg \
--enable-sysvsem \
--enable-sysvshm \
--with-xsl \
--enable-zend-multibyte \
--enable-wddx \
--enable-yp \
--with-zip \
--with-pear \
--enable-memory-limit \
--with-kerberos \
--with-sqlite \
--enable-sqlite-utf8Originally posted by nemesis555
I get error message with something like pam_start or pam_end or some other one
Too vague. Give the actual error message