Stuck In a Rut - Keywords


New Member
I am finally back in action or at least getting prepared to get in action. My goal is to make at least $2000 a month. I know almost exactly how I am going to go about it. I will be using adsense, clickbank, and a few cpa networks. I have the plan set out and everything. The only problem that continues to haunt me is "choosing the right keywords and getting sites to number 1 position". What I mean by choosing the right keywords is a keyword I can easily rank for without building thousands of links to the site. I have chosen plenty of keywords in the past to try to rank for and none of them in the number 1 spot except for one that doesn't bring any traffic. Can anyone advise me on what I should do to avoid choosing bad keywords and a way I can rank for keywords. You can even suggest a product or ebook as long as it works. Thanks Ah the old keyword dilemma.... this truley is the bain of our existance as web folk.
So putting on my "Captain Obvious" hat I will suggest that you do not ignore geo centric terms if they are applicable to your product or service. For example a site featuring gardening products with a target audience in Florida might consider keywords such as, "gardening shears in Tampa" or "Fort Worth's best garden supplies" get my drift and probably have already done this but I felt it worth the mention.

Hang in there. Have to agree with SEO Seeker - the generic niche marketing phrases are pretty much saturated although it is possible to find some pearls that haven't been exploited yet. Building multiple sites based on low volume niches is a good way to slowly build up some decent revenue. I have achieved good results after doing keyword research for trends on the internet. Sites like mashable give you a good idea of whats about to be talked a lot on the internet.

Example: Nexus One, Ipad, etc.

All these gadgets get tremendous amount of traffic, however, you need to be sure to start first to rank 1st, or close to that. Just imagine if you would have built a site related to ipad only, 1 year ago, when it was just starting to get mentioned.

I agree that generic niche keywords are just too saturated, i'd always go for the new if your purpose is to build content sites. Use googles keyword tool to find out how much a keyword is searched for and how competitive it is. Go for the ones that are searched for more, but are not competitive in adwords. That way you could create a small PPC campaign and target those keywords for almost nothing. I think it really depends on what exactly you want to do and what you want to sell. If you are going to choose a clickbank product for weight loss, you do not want to choose a keyword like, dog accessories or vice versa. You seem to have everything else under control, now it is just a matter of checking the effectiveness of certain KW and long tail keywords. Just use Adwords, that might give you a hand. You idea well, but it's difficult to do in China is highly ,recommended mobile phone ah well